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It really hurts. There is nothing sex about a 14 year old. I have no clue what to do about my baby face and my baby voice. Its one of the many reasons why if have 0 self confidences. what if find sexy about my man is how damn manly he is!!! He has facial hair, body hair, he has that deep man voice, has thoughtful and takes care of me when imp sick and cooks for me : ) THAT is sexy! 


I find different things about different men to be sexy, it kind of changes with the wind. In general self-control, confidence, assertiveness, and ability to himself whether through speech or something else is very sexy. I once dated a guy who I wasn't all that attracted when we first met and then I heard him speak, it was like listening to jazz is how I described it. There was just this rhythm to the manner in which is spoke with his Haitian accent and the way expressed his thoughts with words was amazing. On top of that he wrote poetry! Seriously I would get drunk off his words. 

From that point he was extremely sexy! Sexy to me changes in accordance to my mood. What stays constant is confidence. My partner is sexy when he knows how to dress makes that cheddar rain and most importantly is confident. He is not sexy when he thinks he is the shit and urine, when in actual fact he is total garbage. Shallow but it works for me just fine I think a guy being himself is sexy. Indulging in what he likes, expressing himself, and showing off his weird quirks and habits proudly is sexy. And in this day in age, with promiscuity everywhere, a man that can restrain himself is incredibly sexy to me